Spend smart to build a resilient future economy

Tuesday 13 October, 2020

Smart spending is needed now to boost resilience and sustainability for regions into the future says the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (CCIQ).

To secure resources and jobs for regions there needs to be investment in resource recovery and waste diversion infrastructure to accelerate the transformation of businesses to sustainable practices offering opportunities for generations to come, explained CCIQ’s Senior Policy Advisor, Gus Mandigora.

“At a time where industries are facing structural shifts and workers are experiencing jobs uncertainty the potential for skilling workers to contribute positively within the ‘circular’ economy could support up to 100,000 jobs by 2050,” Mr Mandigora said. 

“To achieve this, there needs to be government decision-making and investments targeted at adaption and eco-efficiency (energy, water and waste) to build business and community resilience.  

“For Queensland making these investments now, is vital, because of our vast size and being prone to natural disasters. While drought, floods or cyclones cannot be stopped the damage and long-lasting impacts can be mitigated

“There’s been 84 ‘events’ over the last decade. Costing the state $15billion in damages to public infrastructure, and local communities and economies taking a massive blow when business operations are interrupted.

“What is happening now, is we prepare for when natural disasters hit, there are contingency plans and support given to respond to the aftermath.

“And while that will always be required, what is needed and will be more beneficial is planning for the future by investing in smart infrastructure that will power regions before and after disaster hits.

“One of the most important aspects is forward planning for a pipeline of infrastructure projects that go beyond creating jobs and structures but increases resilience.

“ This infrastructure should be focussing on water security to guarantee Queensland businesses access to water, despite our state’s vulnerability to both drought and flooding.

“Investment in dams, pipes and drainage infrastructure will simultaneously give Queenslander’s access to water and reduce the impact of storms and flooding.

“The same logic applies to investment in smart electricity infrastructure.

“Queensland has an abundance of energy generation potential and, as renewable energy costs continue to fall, smart infrastructure investments will allow the integration of renewable energy into the grid without increasing the cost of electricity. 

“Smart spending now, on projects and infrastructure which will provide resilience and opportunities for the future is vital to Queensland’s long-term economic recovery and success,” said Mr Mandigora. 

Throughout this election, CCIQ is calling on all political parties to commit to election priorities that will transform Queensland’s economy providing resilience and opportunities into the future.

Small Business is a BIG deal, and they hold the key to rebuilding and growing Queensland’s economy. CCIQ’s is calling on political parties to show their commitment to doing business with business and commit to CCIQ’s election priorities. https://businesschamberqld.com.au/business-voice/2020-state-election/smart-infrastructure/

Full details on CCIQ’s Election Priorities can be found at: https://businesschamberqld.com.au/business-voice/2020-state-election/

Acknowledgement of Country

Business Chamber Queensland respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners and custodians of the lands from across Queensland and the Torres Strait. We acknowledge the Jagera and Turrbal people as the Traditional Custodians of Meanjin (Brisbane), the lands where our office is located and the place we meet, work and learn. We pay our respects to Elders past and present.